Sunday, February 3, 2008

How I ended up at the Hannah Montana movie on opening night

(a few weeks ago)

To: Jewy and JLR
From: Pierre
I have a new favorite TV show: Hannah Montana. It is the best thing on the Disney Channel since The Lizzie McGuire show.

(a few minutes after receiving that email)

To: Pierre
From: JLR
CC: Jewy
oh my god. that show is horrible. you are crazy.

(a few seconds later)
To: Pierre
From: JLR
CC: Jewy
P.S. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Pierre, you seriously just killed me. Please email me now and say you didn't mean it.

To: Jewy and JLR
From: Pierre
I actually do like it. I don't knock you for watching "I Love New York," so don't knock my television taste.

(Friday, a few weeks later, after an icy pall has descended on my friendship with Pierre)

To: Jewy and JLR
From: Pierre
Re: vindication

(Later that night, Pierre texted me to ask me to the 11pm showing of the Hannah Montana movie. Usually, I jump at the chance to laugh at Pierre, but I was a little reluctant to say yes. Then I looked online and discovered that it was playing in 3-D. "Holy crap," I said to myself, "this is going to be the movie experience of a lifetime: funny glasses, the worst pop music in history being lipsynched, and Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter in a blond wig. Pierre, Jewy, and I jumped in a cab and hurried to the theater. What we saw was indescribable.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In your poll, I think the song you are calling "Everyone Dance" is really titled "Let's Dance."