Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stereotype: black people love BBQ

So last month's poll - If you were stranded on a desert island with the presidential candidates and forced to eat someone to survive, who do you think would taste the best? I'm proud of how my site brings up a lot of conversation about race, the perception of fat people, and double entendre.

Case in point: gchat with gks

me: who did you vote for on my poll?
gks: barack obama
dark meat
tastes better
me: he doesn't have any fat
garry: lean cuts are better for you
me: not as delicious
and he's a smoker
garry: char grilled flavor
me: ha! good point
I voted for huckabee
garry: lol
me: then I realized you could read the poll in a really dirty way but it was too late to rephrase


craziasian said...

the new poll is a no win situation. i refuse to vote

Anonymous said...

you have a commanding 3 to 1 lead in the fat vote which is amazing since i'm black and surely eat more bbq than you!