Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's been 2 months since my last blog post

Please forgive me, Father. or however that goes. What I have been up during that time:

  1. work. very unsuccessful work. I did start 2 new projects that have a slight chance in hell of being successful. Let's not talk about work.
  2. went to Puerto Rico! many stories to follow
  3. broke up with boyfriend. cried a lot. ate a lot of ice cream. got fat(ter).
  4. decided to focus on work and getting skinny. bought a laptop to work to maximize productivity.


craziasian said...

3 votes so far for me at second base. hell yeah!

also, didn't know you stopped caring about being skinny. eye on the prize lady.

Anonymous said...

5. Relentlessly made fun of Pierre.