Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fun on a budget

graham cracker crust - $1.00
chocolate pudding mix - $0.80
large bag of M&M's - $1.00
paper towels stolen from public restroom - $0.00
watching your friends compete in a pie eating contest complete with hand-scooping, whipped-cream-throwing, smashing-pudding-in-the-face, inhaling-an-entire-pie-in-less-than-2-minutes fun:



craziasian said...

i can't tell if the nausea today is from the pie eating, the seven and sevens, or just life in general. maybe a combination of all of it.

Anonymous said...

"I'm friends with Bill!" Way more priceless. I will continue to laugh at that long after my children have graduated from high school. Thank you for that precious memory.

Liney said...

I should read before I comment...