Monday, November 26, 2007

My family doesn't really like talking, Part II

My now-stepfather and I got off to a rocky start. I first met him at Thanksgiving five years ago. He wore a bolo tie and then told us he was from New Hampshire. I held it against him for about a year. At Christmas break during my senior year of college, he and my mom picked me up from school. During the car ride back to my mom's house, we had this conversation:

Now-stepfather: So, your mom and I just wanted to let you know that I've pretty much been living with her.
Mom: He's putting his house on the market. Do you feel okay about this?
Me: [outloud] Um, yeah, great. [to myself] Why do my parents like telling me these things at the absolute last moment possible?

But he's a great guy, amazingly patient and good natured, and they got married last year. He makes my mom really happy, happier than I think I've ever seen her.

1 comment:

Liney said...

I don't think I even knew they got married. Have you had a talk about the bolo tie?