Friday, November 30, 2007

Can I name my cat Jesus?

Everyone's probably heard about this: teacher in Sudan sentenced to 15 days in jail and deportation back to the U.K. after allowing her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad. She was spared a harsher sentence of 40 lashes but protesters are calling for her execution saying that naming a inanimate object after the Muslim prophet is idolatry. Of course, there is disagreement in the Islamic world over whether pets and toys can be named after prophets. At the risk of offending people, I think Muhammad is actually a cute name for a teddy bear. The little boy in her class who named him wanted to call the bear after himself - how is that anything but adorable?


Anonymous said...

She really should have known better. Didn't the Danish cartoon present a prime example of what happens when you joke around with Islam? And yes, you can name your cat Jesus.

JLR said...

As in the 2nd link, I doubt most Muslims feel that way. And shouldn't the little boy be punished instead? he named it.